Transnational R&D&I cooperation network to foster the competitiveness and sustainability of the Blue Biotech sector in the Atlantic Area territory.

Marinnonet's image
Blue innovation and competitiveness
Blue innovation and competitiveness
Total budget
Total budget
2,32 M€
ERDF funding
ERDF funding
1,74 M€
Lead Partner
Lead partner
Universidad de Vigo (Galicia, ES)
01.12.2023 — 30.11.2026
MARINNONET is a joint effort involving key players dedicated to Research, Development, and Innovation in Marine Biotechnology. The goal is to work together and make the most of their different skills and abilities to benefit the blue innovation ecosystems in the Atlantic Area. This way, they can stay competitive in the European and global Blue Economy and use marine resources sustainably, helping to deal with climate change.


The new cooperation network partners will create will help boost innovation in the Blue Biotech sector in the Atlantic Area. They plan to do this by setting up conditions that encourage lots of different people to get involved in coming up with new ideas. This network will also focus on R&D&I activities that are driven by what the market needs, involving both the people coming up with innovations and those helping make it happen. They'll showcase different examples of how Blue Biotech can bring about new and impactful innovations through pilot projects and other activities.

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  • Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canarias, ES)
  • Universidad del País Vasco (País Vasco, ES)
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Canarias, ES)
  • National University of Ireland, Galway (Northern and Western, IE)
  • Universidade do Minho (Norte, PT)
  • Associação Nacional para os Biorecursos Marinhos e Biotecnologia Azul - BBA (Centro, PT)
  • Sorbonne Université (Ile-de-France, FR)
  • Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (Bretagne, FR)
  • Munster Technological University (Southern, IE)

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Associated partners:

  • Fundación Hazi Fundazioa (País Vasco, ES)
  • Itsas Garapen Elkartea (País Vasco, ES)
  • Irish Bioeconomy Foundation (Southern, IE)
  • GALP Ría de Vigo - A Guarda (Galicia, ES)
  • Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos - Centro Técnico Nacional de Conservación de Productos de la Pesca (Galicia, ES)
  • Axencia Galega de Innovación (Galicia, ES)
  • Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (Norte, PT)
  • Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB (Norte, PT)
  • Sociedad de Promoción Económica de Gran Canaria (Canarias, ES)
Lead partnerLead partner
Associated partnersAssociated partners
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