Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027
A brand new programme,
renewed commitment with
the Atlantic regions.
The Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027 supports transnational cooperation in the Atlantic regions of four countries: Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland. In this new programme, we renew the commitment with the Atlantic regions in the support of innovative initiatives that contribute to the growth of this area, solving common challenges across border through the implementation of joint actions, exchange of good practices and contribution to new or current policies.

The programme budget for 2021-2027 is 113 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The co-financing rate for projects approved is up to 75% of the total investment.

Facts & figures

Programme in numbers
Programme in numbers diagram
Projects approved
of co-funding
Projects approved diagram

Programme area

The Atlantic Area 2021-2027 covers the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and includes all regions of Ireland and Portugal, as well as several French and Spanish regions close to or on the Atlantic Ocean coast. The eligible regions are the following:

Galicia; Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; La Rioja; Navarra; Andalucía; Islas Canarias.

Nouvelle Aquitaine; Pays-de-la-Loire; Bretagne; Normandie.

Northern and Western; Southern; Eastern and Midland.

Norte; Centro; Lisboa; Alentejo; Algarve; Região Autónoma dos Açores; Região Autónoma da Madeira.
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