Boosting the hydrogen transition in the Atlantic Area ports

Hydea image
Blue and Green environment
Blue and Green environment
Total budget
Total budget
3,43 M€
ERDF funding
ERDF funding
2,57 M€
Lead Partner
Lead partner
Fundación Centro Texnolóxico de Eficiencia e Sostenibilidad de Eficiencia Energética (Galicia, ES)
01.10.2023 — 30.09.2026
HYDEA is about making green hydrogen technologies a big part of how ports work in the Atlantic Area. Green hydrogen is a clean energy source, and the project wants to use it along with other renewable energies in ports to make things more energy-efficient and reduce carbon emissions.

To make this happen, the project plans to develop tools and approaches that will be like building blocks for changing how ports use energy. They want to address the challenges and problems that come with using hydrogen in ports. Here's how:

  1. Helping everyone understand, making sure that everyone involved knows more about hydrogen and how to use it;

  2. Trying out new technologies, supporting research and development by testing out different technologies in real situations, like pilot projects along the hydrogen supply chain;

  3. Figuring out how to make it work as a business, looking at different ways to make using hydrogen in ports a practical and profitable choice.

  4. Creating plans for ports and policymakers, helping ports and policymakers in the Atlantic Area to play a big role in using hydrogen as a clean energy source.

The main goal of HYDEA is to make ports in the Atlantic Area more energy-efficient and use clean energy like hydrogen, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable way of running things.

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  • Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo (Galicia, ES)
  • Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Norte, PT)
  • APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A. (Norte, PT)
  • France Énergies Marines (Bretagne, FR)
  • National University of Ireland, Galway (Northern and Western, IE)
  • Société Portuaire Brest Bretagne (Bretagne, FR)
  • Autoridad Portuaria de Sevilla (Andalucía, ES)
  • Évolution Synergétique Automotive, S.L. (Andalucía, ES)
  • HIVE Hydrogen (Northern and Western, IE)
  • Energy Observer Developments (Ile-de-France, FR)

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Associated partners:

  • Asociación Gallega del Hidrógeno (Galicia, ES)
  • Asociación Cluster del Naval Gallego (Galicia, ES)
  • The Port of Cork Company (Southern, IE)
  • Terminal Maritima Del Gualdalquivir, S.L. (Andalucía, ES)
  • Port of Galway (Northern and Western, IE)
  • Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón (Principado de Asturias, ES)
  • Autoridad Portuaria de Tenerife (Canarias, ES)
  • Neuwalme (Galicia, ES)
  • Administração dos Portos de Setúbal e Sesimbra, S.A. (Lisboa, PT)
  • Agencia Instituto Enerxético de Galicia (Galicia, ES)
  • Lhyfe Hidrógeno (Comunidad de Madrid, ES)
  • Puertos del Estado (Comunidad de Madrid, ES)
  • Efacec Engenharia (Norte, PT)
Lead partnerLead partner
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